If a Player drops and the opponent has been notified before any damage has occurred during that round, then the round will be restarted.
If a Player drops after the first kill have been made and has not returned when the round has been decided, then the match will be paused at the start of the next round.
If a Player drops before the first kill in the first round of a half, then the half will be restarted.
It’s not allowed to add any (funny) additions, characters or words, only exceptions are sponsor names which are limited to one (1) per Player.
Each Player has to use his official nickname during matches.
In case you need to update your cfg or require any drivers for your equipment, please let the tournament organizers know well in advance.Ĩ.Game Specific Rules 8.1:CS:GO Map pool:
Use of any storage devices like Pen drive /HDD or any other external divide at offline events is not allowed.
Participants must bring their own equipment: Keyboard, mouse, headset and mouse pads as they will not be provided at the venue.
After 15 minutes of now show or unable to start the match, the team in question is considered as no show and administrators have full authority to disqualify the team for no showħ:Equipment / Use of Storage Devices & CFG’s. Not starting a match as scheduled will result in penalties.
Match starts are absolute unless changes have been confirmed by the Tournament administration.
All Communications for csgo online tournament to be made on the frolic esports Discord Channel, link to the channel is :.
A Player’s home country is the country where his current place of residence is (INDIA)The tournament is open for India..
Winner of each tournament will win – INR 1500.
Every Player must have their own Steam ID with Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
If a team is not able to register in the tournament by given date and time then they cannot be able to register after the time expires.
Teams are responsible to be ready at the time given by the admins or according to the time listed on the website for their matches.
All teams are required to sign up themselves on frolic esports website and create a team to register for the online tournament.
Slots are on a first come first serve basis.
Teams are required to register at the frolic esports website portal to participate on the online tournament.